Christian Hinterberger

About me


I was born near Wuppertal (Germany), grew up in Vienna (Austria), went to university in Glasgow (Scotland, UK) and most recently Leuven (Flanders, Belgium).

Interested in Europe, international affairs, democracy, sustainable development, communications…

… but also film, literature, music, design, sports …



Graduated with a Master of Arts in European Studies at KU Leuven in Belgium

Already looking for new challenges from Autumn 2023 onwards.



  • Schuman Trainee at the European Parliament (Secretariat of the Committee on Foreign Affairs – AFET)
  • Intern in the Regional Coordination Division – Europe and Central Asia at UNIDO
  • Various roles in Research, Communications and Administrative Assistance (Club of Rome – Austrian Chapter, cooppa media cooperative, Sustainable Europe Research Institute (SERI), ÖKOBÜRO)


Contact: christian[at]